Woof, woof, what a day we had at the cape park. I was so busy having fun I forgot to look for that cape thing. We got up early in the morning just as it got light and drove to the park from our campsite. The first thing we did was drive by a stand where a nice female human took some money from my human. She gave him a map and told him places I was not supposed to go. Luckily there were not many places I could not go, woof! We only drove a little further and took our first hike. We went up a big hill where we could see far, far away. I saw some rabbits on the trail and ran over to them to say hello, but they ran away, Matt would not let me go in the woods after them. I guess he was afraid I would get lost looking for them. I do not know why they all ran from me. All I wanted to do was say hello and ask them a few questions. The next place we went was at a real rocky beach where the waves come crashing in. Waves are strange; they come at you and then go back. It is almost like the water is alive and coming after you. I still have not quite figured them out. I do not get to see them very often, woof! The beach was one of the places I was not supposed to go so I sat in the truck and watched my human take photographs.
This is me at a beach where I am allowed, this is not in the National Park. Even the little waves here were after me!Hiking on one of the trails.
Then we took a hike to a waterfall. I decided to walk mostly in the stream and it was fun, the water was so clear and it even smelled good. When we got to the waterfall I got to swim in the pool right at the waterfall. It was deep, nice and cool. Matt said he walked eight miles, I bet I walked twice that, ruff! Humans are good walkers, but they are slow and a dog has got to do what he has to do, run! We had a great time hiking together and I loved being in the park greeting nature and other humans and dogs along the trail. I did record some videos, but Matt said we would wait until we get home to edit and post those.
Woof, having fun swimming!
Well we are headed back on the long trip home, but Matt says we will have fun and visit places on the way back so we will see you from the road, woof!
PS – Matt here this was the day we spent in Cape Breton Highlands National Park – it is a beautiful place and dogs are restricted only in two places; the beaches and the Skyline Trail. I did a small portion of the Skyline early in the morning while Jackson was in the car parked in a shady spot. The rest of the time we were hiking together.
Woof, woof a lot has happened since my last entry. I have moved to a new place, I miss my old window, I saw a lot going on with the humans, but now out of my new window I see all kinds of birds, ones that buzz like bees, big ones that swoop down at the other birds and critters, and black ones that are loud. I see a lot of rabbits I go over to play with them, but they usually run off so I go back to play with my human. I have him trained pretty well. I still need to work on him some; he could do a little better. Our move took a long time because we downsized, well that is what Matt said. He said we had too much to take care of and keep up with. Now we are living with Frodo, Matt is renting a room from his human.
Me looking out my window at my old place.
My new window.
We have been busy, well my human has, I have been watching. Since we came back from our last big adventure he has been busy moving us to the new place, but that is over and now we are leaving today for another big adventure. I know we are going far away again. Matt said it would be different than our last trip. There will be a lot of trees and water this time! Woof, I like that, maybe I will get to go swimming this time, woof! We are going to a different country, oh this makes my head hurt sometimes, my human had to explain countries to me. On our last trip he had to explain what a state was because we went to so many. He said now I am going to be an international dog, whatever that is!
Woof, what I want to do on my next adventure, explore creeks!
Well this time we are going to a place call Canada, did I spell that right? That name seems pretty easy. The place in Canada he said we were going is call Nova Scootia I think, do you scoot there, I wonder? Woof, well we will find out, we are leaving this afternoon and I am packed and ready. Woof, I wonder if Matt will ever finish packing. Humans always take so long to pack. It just takes the patience of a dog just to watch…
Matthew Irvin & Photo Dog Jackson – Photographers and writers