Woof, what a trip we have been on so far. At first it seemed like we have been next to a campfire the whole time. Everywhere we went there was smoke, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It was hard to see very far a lot of places we drove through and stayed. We finally got to Glacier National Park, but only on the east side. When we drove through West Glacier the smoke was so bad Matt said we were going to cancel our camping reservations but it ended up he didn’t have to, they were canceled because of the fire. We spent a lot of our time in the camper there but it did clear up a couple of days. When it was windy and smoky outside Matt said we needed to take it easy.

The first day was smoky but the next day it rained and cleared the air. We went hiking on a trail high up in the mountains at a place Matt called Logan’s Pass. Some of the trail was pretty exposed. We only hiked a little ways and we saw a bighorn sheep. I had to stay a little ways back when Matt was taking pictures, sometimes a lot of wildlife look at me as a predator like a wolf or coyote and will get defensive. The next day was clear so we explored around the campground more and the other day we drove to a different area of the park even though the smoke was getting bad again. Then Matt did his laundry so I took a long nap. We had more than one day just in camp mostly in the truck; the air was too bad to go hiking so we just stayed in the camper most of the time. Our last day there I rode on the shuttle bus all the way up to Logan Pass and the smoke was real bad. That is when Matt decided it was time to leave the smoke was too bad for either one of us. We left after Matt and I got something to eat because we had to drive an hour to get to a motel room a good friend got for us to get out of the bad air.

Matt has changed our plans because if we headed back home it is just as bad as it is was at Glacier park. We ended up going to Yellowstone National Park where it looked like the air might be better so we started that way the next day. We stopped in a campground on the way last night. We could see blue sky, white clouds and it wasn’t a funny hazy yellow color all over anymore and it rained a little. Then we got to Yellowstone and it rained a lot that night and began to clear the next day. We were going to another campground in Yellowstone when Matt said.
“Jackson, we are going on to the Grand Tetons!”
Woof, I think Matt was frustrated at all the people there and was hoping to find a less crowded place. I don’t know how he does these things but he told me he was listening to his inner voice. Well that voice was right because we found a campground on a lake named after me, Jackson Lake, and it is beautiful. Matt has promised me a swim there today. I think I just might forgive him for forgetting my birthday. Although he has promised me a big celebration this weekend and something special in the town of Jackson, WY.

Well, I promise I’ll write before we leave Monday, that’s Labor Day. Matt said we were lucky to have such a nice camping spot for the holiday!
A late Happy Birthday Jackson!