Woof, Matt told me before my surgery the next few weeks would be tough and he was right. That place on my mouth was beginning to be a bother and I know it needed to be done but this staying around the house has been no fun. I like to go out on my morning walks to the dog park or hiking when we are traveling or camping. Even a day trip with a hike is fun but having to stay home all the time and have no play time is so frustrating. To add to all this I had to wear this plastic cone collar so I wouldn’t accidentally scratch or rub and hurt where the doctor removed that lump. That crazy collar made me run into everything and knocked things over and off tables. At least it was clear so I could see through it a little but that didn’t help much. One consolation was Matt did stay at home with me and gave me extra attention.

Finally Matt took that nasty collar off, I hated that thing and we started short walks. Matt says my mouth needs to heal more before we can play with any of my toys though. I kept asking when we could at least walk but the doctor wanted me to rest, she said resting would help me heal faster. The first couple of days weren’t hard because I really didn’t feel like playing but after that I was ready to do all the things I normally do. That was the frustrating part, feeling good enough to play and run but all you can do is lounge around the house with a stupid collar on and your person calls you a Radio Dish head, woof!

Next it will be Matt’s turn, we have to go to Portland and he is seeing one of his doctors then when we get back he is having something done to one of his eyes. He can’t see very well in one eye and he said after an easy operation he will be able to see out of that eye better than ever. He did say he would be coming home with a shield on his eye and have to wear it at bedtime; I’ll have to think of a name for him.

So hoping you continue to do better.
Hi Jackson! Glad to see you blogging again! And super glad you got that cone off your head! How annoying that must have been! ANYway… now you can slowly start to get back to your normal routines. Matt’s eye will heal quickly and you’ll be off on adventures again before you know it. While he’s wearing the patch on his eye you can call him Cap’n Arghhh. That’s pirate-speak for eye patch wearers. 😉
Hello Jackson. Happiness to see you healing. You may have been miserable but I think you were very good at it. Be sweet. Take care of each other!
Glad you are feeling better. I’m sure with Halloween coming up you should be able to come up with some names, but remember you don’t know how to turn the door knob yet. Lol